components/touch_ripple_gesture_recognizer library
- HoldingGestureRecognizer
- The gesture recognizer that tracks holding gestures, defined as when a pointer is pressed but not yet released. It resolves the gesture if the pointer is lifted.
- TouchRippleDoubleTapGestureRecognizer
- TouchRippleGestureRecognizer
- The abstract class that defines the touch ripple gesture base behavior, which is a basic and essential behavior.
- TouchRippleLongTapGestureRecognizer
- TouchRippleTapGestureRecognizer
- FocusableGestureRecognizerMixin
- The mixin that adds focus gesture recognition to OneSequenceGestureRecognizer. Provides callbacks for when a focus gesture starts or ends.
- HoldableGestureRecognizerMixin
- The mixin provides functionality to continuously track the defined pointers to prevent the gesture from being rejected.
- GestureRecognizerDisposeCallback = void Function(GestureRecognizer instance)
- Signature for the callback function that is called when a GestureRecognizer disposed.