cancel method

void cancel({
  1. required TouchRippleCancelledBehavior cancelledBehavior,

Resets the speed of the fade-out animation to the speed corresponding to the defined action and forces the effect to fade out. In some cases, it cancels the effect altogether.


void cancel({
  required TouchRippleCancelledBehavior cancelledBehavior,
}) {
  _fadeAnimation.duration = _behavior.canceledDuration ??;
  _fadeCurved.curve = _behavior.canceledCurve ?? _behavior.fadeOutCurve!;

  switch (cancelledBehavior) {
    case TouchRippleCancelledBehavior.reverseSpread: _spreadAnimation.reverse(); break;
    case TouchRippleCancelledBehavior.stopSpread: _spreadAnimation.stop(); break;
    case TouchRippleCancelledBehavior.none: break;
    default: throw Exception('An undeclared behavior instnace was defined.');