TouchRippleSpreadingEffect constructor

  1. required TouchRippleContext context,
  2. required VoidCallback callback,
  3. required bool isRejectable,
  4. required Offset baseOffset,
  5. required TouchRippleBehavior behavior,


  required this.context,
  required this.callback,
  required this.isRejectable,
  required this.baseOffset,
  required this.behavior,
}) {
  assert(behavior.spreadDuration != null);
  assert(behavior.spreadCurve != null);
  _spreadAnimation = AnimationController(vsync: context.vsync, duration: behavior.spreadDuration!);
  _spreadCurved = CurvedAnimation(parent: _spreadAnimation, curve: behavior.spreadCurve!);

  // Calls the event callback function when the current animation
  // progress can call the event callback function.
  void checkEventCallBack() {
    assert(behavior.lowerPercent != null, "Lower percent of touch ripple behavior was not initialized.");
    assert(behavior.upperPercent != null, "Upper percent of touch ripple behavior was not initialized.");
    final lowerPercent = behavior.lowerPercent ?? 0;

    if (this.isRejectable) return;
    if (this.isAttached && spreadPercent >= (behavior.eventCallBackableMinPercent ?? lowerPercent)) {;
      // Deregisters the listener as there is no longer a need to know
      // when to invoke the event callback function.

  _spreadAnimation.addStatusListener((status) {
    if (status == AnimationStatus.forward) {

    if (status == AnimationStatus.completed && isRejectable == false) {

  assert(behavior.fadeInDuration != null);
  assert(behavior.fadeInCurve != null);
  _fadeAnimation = AnimationController(
    vsync: context.vsync,
    duration: behavior.fadeInDuration!,
    reverseDuration: behavior.fadeOutDuration!
  _fadeCurved = CurvedAnimation(
    parent: _fadeAnimation,
    curve: behavior.fadeInCurve!,
    reverseCurve: behavior.fadeOutCurve!

  _fadeAnimation.addStatusListener((status) {
    if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) dispose();

  isInitialized = true;