SwipeCard constructor

  1. required CardBuilder cardBuilder,
  2. required int totalNum,
  3. AmassOrientation orientation = AmassOrientation.LEFT,
  4. int stackNum = 3,
  5. int animDuration = 800,
  6. double swipeEdge = 3.0,
  7. double swipeEdgeVertical = 8.0,
  8. double? maxWidth,
  9. double? maxHeight,
  10. double? minWidth,
  11. double? minHeight,
  12. bool allowVerticalMovement = true,
  13. required CardController cardController,
  14. required CardSwipeCompleteCallback swipeCompleteCallback,
  15. required CardDragUpdateCallback swipeUpdateCallback,

Constructor requires Card Widget Builder cardBuilder & your card count totalNum , option includes: stack orientation orientation, number of card display in same time stackNum , swipeEdge is the edge to determine action(recover or swipe) when you release your swiping card it is the value of alignment, 0.0 means middle, so it need bigger than zero. , and size control params;


    {required CardBuilder cardBuilder,
    required int totalNum,
    AmassOrientation orientation = AmassOrientation.LEFT,
    int stackNum = 3,
    int animDuration = 800,
    double swipeEdge = 3.0,
    double swipeEdgeVertical = 8.0,
    double? maxWidth,
    double? maxHeight,
    double? minWidth,
    double? minHeight,
    bool allowVerticalMovement = true,
    required this.cardController,
    required this.swipeCompleteCallback,
    required this.swipeUpdateCallback})
    : this._cardBuilder = cardBuilder,
      this._totalNum = totalNum,
      assert(stackNum > 1),
      this._stackNum = stackNum,
      this._animDuration = animDuration,
      assert(swipeEdge > 0),
      this._swipeEdge = swipeEdge,
      assert(swipeEdgeVertical > 0),
      assert(maxWidth! > minWidth! && maxHeight! > minHeight!),
      this._allowVerticalMovement = allowVerticalMovement {
  double widthGap = maxWidth! - minWidth!;
  double heightGap = maxHeight! - minHeight!;

  swipeAligns = [];
  swipeSize = [];

  for (int i = 0; i < _stackNum; i++) {
    swipeSize.add(new Size(minWidth + (widthGap / _stackNum) * i,
        minHeight + (heightGap / _stackNum) * i));

    switch (orientation) {
      case AmassOrientation.LEFT:
            new Alignment((-0.5 / (_stackNum - 1)) * (stackNum - i), 0.0));
      case AmassOrientation.RIGHT:
            new Alignment((0.5 / (_stackNum - 1)) * (stackNum - i), 0.0));