mapFromCompanion method
- Insertable<
report> companion, - DatabaseConnectionUser database
Converts a companion
to the real model class, D
Values that are Value.absent
in the companion will be set to null
The database
instance is used so that the raw values from the companion
can properly be interpreted as the high-level Dart values exposed by the
data class.
Future<D> mapFromCompanion(
Insertable<D> companion, DatabaseConnectionUser database) async {
final asColumnMap = companion.toColumns(false);
if (asColumnMap.values.any((e) => e is! Variable)) {
throw ArgumentError('The companion $companion cannot be transformed '
'into a dataclass as it contains expressions that need to be '
'evaluated by a database engine.');
final context = GenerationContext.fromDb(database);
final rawValues = asColumnMap
.cast<String, Variable>()
.map((key, value) => MapEntry(key, value.mapToSimpleValue(context)));
return map(rawValues);