translate method

String translate(
  1. String uid, {
  2. String? lang,


String translate(String uid, {String? lang}) {
  if (isConnected) {
    if (lang != null || defaultLang != null) {
      List<dynamic> translationsFound = translations
          .where((translation) => translation['uid'] == uid)
      if (translationsFound.length == 1) {
        List<dynamic> translationsTexts = translationsFound
            .where((translation) => doesContain(
                translation['lang'], lang == null ? defaultLang! : lang))
        if (translationsTexts.length == 1) {
          return translationsTexts.first['default'];
        } else {
          return translationsFound.first['translation_set'].first['default'];
      } else {
        throw Exception("UID $uid couldn't be found!");
    } else {
      throw Exception(
          "lang is mandatory for translate() if no default lang have been provided");
  } else {
    throw Exception("not connected to API");