Tailwind CSS 3.4.13 Colors
Dart package exposing Tailwind Colors to be used in flutter in a way similar to the Material colors.
- Add to your
tailwind_colors: ^0.0.3
- Get the package via your IDE or via the command line by typing:
$ pub get
- Import the
import 'package:flutter_tailwind_colors/flutter_tailwind_colors.dart';
How to Use
Tailwind Colors can be created and used in the same way as the usual Material color palette.
// TWColors has shades starting from 50 up to 950 in increment of 50 or 100
Color primaryColor = TWColors.emerald.shade50;
Color secondColor = TWColors.rose.shade950;
TWColors features:
- slate
- gray
- zinc
- neutral
- stone
- red
- orange
- amber
- yellow
- lime
- green
- emerald
- teal
- cyan
- sky
- blue
- indigo
- violet
- purple
- fuchsia
- pink
- rose
TWColors features the Tailwind 3.4.13 color palette:
- The palette can be found on the TailwindCSS website
Use as a theme
Every colors from the TWColors palettes can be used.
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: TWColors.emrald,
home: MyHomePage(
title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page',