

This package provides a set of functions to find images generated by flutter_svg in widget tests.

The methods find elements with the SvgPicture type and compare either the BytesLoader or the configuration of the BytesLoader with the giving test attribute.


Find by BytesLoader

The following example shows how you can find svgs with the matching SvgAssetLoader.

testWidgets('Finds svg', (WidgetTester widgetTester) async {
 final SvgPicture asset = SvgPicture.asset('/test/path/my.svg');
 await widgetTester.pumpWidget(asset);
 expect(find.svg(asset.bytesLoader), findsOneWidget);

Find by svg path

Sometimes it is more convenient instead of instantiate the whole BytesLoader to compare only specific attributes.

The following example shows how you can find svgs with the specified attribute.

testWidgets('asset svg with path', (WidgetTester widgetTester) async {
 const String svgPath = 'test/flutter_logo.svg';
 await widgetTester.pumpWidget(SvgPicture.asset(svgPath));
 expect(find.svgAssetWithPath(svgPath), findsOneWidget);

