w static method

void w(
  1. String tag,
  2. String msg, {
  3. List<String>? references,
  4. dynamic exception,
  5. StackTrace? stackTrace,

Logging warning

tag page name or class name of the event origins msg log message references more event references such as\n method name or function name for further identification exception an exception detail stackTrace if available pass.\nThis is important when you using firebase crashlytics trace back the error


static void w(String tag, String msg,
    {List<String>? references, exception, StackTrace? stackTrace}) async {
  final ref = references != null && references.isNotEmpty
      ? ' : ${references.join(' => ')}'
      : '';
  final name = 'WARN: $tag$ref';
  _log(name, msg, exception: exception, stackTrace: stackTrace);