FlutterSupportChat constructor

const FlutterSupportChat({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required List<String> supporterIDs,
  3. required String currentID,
  4. required FirebaseFirestore firestoreInstance,
  5. required String onNewCaseText,
  6. String createCaseButtonText = 'Create Support Case',
  7. String writeMessageText = 'Write a message...',
  8. String closeCaseText = "Do you really want to close this case?",
  9. dynamic onNewCaseCreated(
    1. SupportChat
  10. dynamic onNewMessageCreated(
    1. SupportChat
  11. bool collectDeviceData = true,


const FlutterSupportChat({
  Key? key,
  required this.supporterIDs,
  required this.currentID,
  required this.firestoreInstance,
  required this.onNewCaseText,
  this.createCaseButtonText = 'Create Support Case',
  this.writeMessageText = 'Write a message...',
  this.closeCaseText = "Do you really want to close this case?",
  this.collectDeviceData = true,
}) : super(key: key);