NextAction.verifyWithMicroDeposits constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
  2. @FreezedUnionValue('verifyWithMicrodeposits')
const NextAction.verifyWithMicroDeposits({
  1. String? arrivalDate,
  2. String? redirectUrl,
  3. String? microdepositType,

Contains details describing microdeposits verification flow.


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory NextAction.verifyWithMicroDeposits({
  /// The timestamp of when the microdeposits are expended to land
  String? arrivalDate,

  /// The URL for the hosted verification page.
  String? redirectUrl,

  /// The type of the microdeposit sent to the customer.
  String? microdepositType,
}) = _NextActionMicroDeposits;