CustomerSheetInitParams constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const CustomerSheetInitParams({
  1. @JsonKey(toJson: UserInterfaceStyleKey.toJson) ThemeMode? style,
  2. PaymentSheetAppearance? appearance,
  3. String? setupIntentClientSecret,
  4. required String customerId,
  5. required String customerEphemeralKeySecret,
  6. String? merchantDisplayName,
  7. String? headerTextForSelectionScreen,
  8. BillingDetails? defaultBillingDetails,
  9. BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration? billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration,
  10. String? returnURL,
  11. String? removeSavedPaymentMethodMessage,
  12. @Default(true) bool applePayEnabled,
  13. @Default(true) bool googlePayEnabled,
  14. @JsonKey(toJson: _cardBrandListToJson) List<CardBrand>? preferredNetworks,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory CustomerSheetInitParams({
  /// Color styling used for the Customersheet UI
  @JsonKey(toJson: UserInterfaceStyleKey.toJson) ThemeMode? style,

  /// Appearance of the customersheet.
  /// When no appearance defined it will fallback to [style] or Stripe default.
  PaymentSheetAppearance? appearance,

  /// Optional but recommended for cards, required for other payment methods. The SetupIntent client secret that will be used to confirm a new payment method. If this is missing, you will only be able to add cards without authentication steps.
  String? setupIntentClientSecret,

  /// The identifier of the Stripe Customer object. See
  required String customerId,

  /// A short-lived token that allows the SDK to access a Customer's payment methods.
  required String customerEphemeralKeySecret,

  /// Your customer-facing business name. The default value is the name of your app.
  String? merchantDisplayName,

  /// Optional configuration for setting the header text of the Payment Method selection screen
  String? headerTextForSelectionScreen,

  /// CustomerSheet pre-populates fields with the values provided. If `billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.attachDefaultsToPaymentMethod` is `true`, these values will be attached to the payment method even if they are not collected by the CustomerSheet UI.
  BillingDetails? defaultBillingDetails,

  /// Describes how billing details should be collected. All values default to `AUTOMATIC`. If `NEVER` is used for a required field for the Payment Method, you must provide an appropriate value as part of `defaultBillingDetails`.

  ///  URL that redirects back to your app that CustomerSheet can use to auto-dismiss web views used for additional authentication, e.g. 3DS2
  String? returnURL,

  /// Optional configuration to display a custom message when a saved payment method is removed. iOS only.
  String? removeSavedPaymentMethodMessage,

  ///  Whether to show Apple Pay as an option. Defaults to `false`.
  @Default(true) bool applePayEnabled,

  /// Whether to show Google Pay as an option. Defaults to `false`.
  @Default(true) bool googlePayEnabled,

  /// The list of preferred networks that should be used to process payments made with a co-branded card.
  /// This value will only be used if your user hasn't selected a network themselves.
  @JsonKey(toJson: _cardBrandListToJson) List<CardBrand>? preferredNetworks,
}) = _CustomerSheetInitParams;