BankAccount constructor

const BankAccount({
  1. required String id,
  2. BankAccountHolderType? accountHolderType,
  3. String? bankName,
  4. String? accountHolderName,
  5. String? country,
  6. String? currency,
  7. String? routingNumber,
  8. BankAccountStatus? status,
  9. String? fingerprint,
  10. String? last4,


const factory BankAccount({
  /// Unique id for this bank account
  required String id,

  /// Entity that is holder of the account.
  BankAccountHolderType? accountHolderType,

  /// Name of the bank where the account is registered.
  String? bankName,

  /// Full name of the account holder
  String? accountHolderName,

  /// 2 letter code of the country where the account is located
  String? country,

  /// The three letter ISO 4217 code for the currency.
  String? currency,

  /// The routing number of the bank account (e.g. needer for US accounts).
  String? routingNumber,

  /// Status of the bank account.
  BankAccountStatus? status,

  /// Uniquely identifies the particular bank account.
  /// You can use this to check whether or not two bank accounts are the same.
  String? fingerprint,

  /// Last four numbers of the bank account number
  String? last4,
}) = _BankAccount;