ThreeDSecureTextFieldThemeData constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const ThreeDSecureTextFieldThemeData({
  1. String? borderColor,
  2. double? borderWidth,
  3. double? cornerRadius,
  4. String? textColor,
  5. double? textFontSize,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory ThreeDSecureTextFieldThemeData({
  /// Color in hex for the border
  String? borderColor,

  /// Thickness of the textfield border.
  double? borderWidth,

  /// Radius for the textfield corners.
  double? cornerRadius,

  /// Color in hex for the textfield value.
  String? textColor,

  /// Font size for the textfield text.

  double? textFontSize,
}) = _ThreeDSecureTextFieldThemeData;