PlatformPayWebPaymentItem constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const PlatformPayWebPaymentItem({
  1. required num amount,
  2. required String label,
  3. @Default(false) bool pending,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory PlatformPayWebPaymentItem({
  /// The amount in the currency's subunit (e.g. cents, yen, etc.)
  required num amount,

  /// A name that the browser shows the customer in the payment interface.
  required String label,

  /// If you might change this amount later (for example, after you have calculated shipping costs), set this to true.
  /// Note that browsers treat this as a hint for how to display things, and not necessarily as something that will
  /// prevent submission.
  @Default(false) bool pending,
}) = _$PaymentItem;