FinancialConnectionAccount constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const FinancialConnectionAccount({
  1. required String id,
  2. required bool livemode,
  3. String? displayName,
  4. required AccountStatus status,
  5. required String institutionName,
  6. String? last4,
  7. required int created,
  8. AccountBalance? balance,
  9. BalanceRefresh? balanceRefresh,
  10. required AccountCategory category,
  11. required AccountSubcategory subcategory,
  12. List<AccountPermission>? permissions,
  13. required List<FinancialConnectionsPaymentMethodType> supportedPaymentMethodTypes,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory FinancialConnectionAccount({
  /// Unique id for this Financial connection account.
  required String id,

  /// Has the value true if the object exist in livemode.
  required bool livemode,

  /// display name of the account.
  String? displayName,

  /// The current status of the account.
  required AccountStatus status,

  /// The name of the financial institution.
  required String institutionName,

  /// Last4 of the account number.
  String? last4,

  /// Unix timestamp in milliseconds of the date this account was created.
  required int created,

  /// The balance of the account
  AccountBalance? balance,

  /// The last balance refresh.
  BalanceRefresh? balanceRefresh,

  /// The category of this account
  required AccountCategory category,

  /// The subcategory of this account,
  required AccountSubcategory subcategory,

  /// Permissions requested for accounts collected during this session.
  List<AccountPermission>? permissions,

  /// Support payment method types for this account.
  required List<FinancialConnectionsPaymentMethodType>
}) = _FinancialConnectionAccount;