ApplePayShippingMethod constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const ApplePayShippingMethod({
  1. required String label,
  2. required String amount,
  3. required String identifier,
  4. bool? isPending,
  5. String? detail,
  6. int? startDate,
  7. int? endDate,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory ApplePayShippingMethod({
  ///  A short, localized description.
  required String label,

  /// The cost associated with this shipping option.
  required String amount,

  /// A unique identifier for the shipping method.
  required String identifier,

  /// When creating items for estimates or charges whose final value is not yet known, set this to true.
  /// Defaults to false.
  bool? isPending,

  ///  A user-readable description of the shipping method.
  /// For example “Ships in 24 hours.” Don't repeat content
  String? detail,

  ///  The unix timestamp of the start date of the expected range of delivery or shipping dates for a package, or the time range when an item is available for pickup.
  /// Measured in seconds
  int? startDate,

  ///  The unix timestamp of the end date of the expected range of delivery or shipping dates for a package, or the time range when an item is available for pickup.
  /// Measured in seconds.
  int? endDate,
}) = _ApplePayShippingMethod;