ApplePayMultiMerchant constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const ApplePayMultiMerchant({
  1. required String merchantIdentifier,
  2. required String externalIdentifier,
  3. required String merchantName,
  4. String? merchantDomain,
  5. required String amount,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory ApplePayMultiMerchant({
  /// The apple pay merchant identifier
  required String merchantIdentifier,

  /// External identifier for the merchant
  required String externalIdentifier,

  /// The merchant display name Apple pay associates with the payment token
  required String merchantName,

  /// The merchant top level domain Apple Pay associates with teh payment token
  String? merchantDomain,

  /// Amount to authorize for the payment token
  required String amount,
}) = _ApplePayMultiMerchant;