SetupIntent constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const SetupIntent({
  1. required String id,
  2. required String status,
  3. required bool livemode,
  4. required String clientSecret,
  5. required String paymentMethodId,
  6. required String usage,
  7. required List<PaymentMethodType> paymentMethodTypes,
  8. String? description,
  9. String? created,
  10. LastSetupError? lastSetupError,
  11. NextAction? nextAction,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory SetupIntent({
  /// Unique identifier.

  required String id,

  /// Status of the intent.
  /// See
  required String status,

  /// Determines whether the intent is in live mode or in test mode.

  required bool livemode,

  /// The client is secret is used for handling the payment from the Client side.

  required String clientSecret,

  /// Id of the payment method used in this intent.

  required String paymentMethodId,

  /// Indicates how the intent is used in the future.
  required String usage,

  /// List of payment method types associated with this intent.
  required List<PaymentMethodType> paymentMethodTypes,

  /// Localized description that provides additional context to users.

  String? description,

  /// Timestamp since epoch that represents the time the intent is created.
  String? created,

  /// Error encountered since last configmration.
  LastSetupError? lastSetupError,

  /// Additional action that needs to be taken in order to complete a payment
  /// using the provided resource.
  NextAction? nextAction,
}) = _SetupIntent;