ApplePayCartSummaryItem.deferred constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
  2. @FreezedUnionValue('Deferred')
const ApplePayCartSummaryItem.deferred({
  1. required String label,
  2. required String amount,
  3. required int deferredDate,

Use this type for a payment that occurs in the future, such as a pre-order. Only available on iOS 15 and up, otherwise falls back to ImmediateCartSummaryItem


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)

///  Use this type for a payment that occurs in the future, such as a pre-order. Only available on iOS 15 and up, otherwise falls back to ImmediateCartSummaryItem
const factory ApplePayCartSummaryItem.deferred({
  /// Short localized description of the item.
  required String label,

  /// The monetary amount.
  required String amount,

  /// The unix timestamp of the date, in the future, of the payment. Measured in seconds.
  required int deferredDate,
}) = _DeferredSummaryItem;