Card constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const Card({
  1. String? brand,
  2. String? country,
  3. int? expYear,
  4. int? expMonth,
  5. String? funding,
  6. String? last4,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
const factory Card({
  /// The brand associated to the card e.g. (visa, amex).
  String? brand,

  /// Two letter iso code.
  String? country,

  /// four digit number representing the year of expiry of the card.
  int? expYear,

  /// two digit number representing the month of expire of the card.
  int? expMonth,

  /// card funding type e.g. (credit, debit).
  String? funding,

  /// last four digits of the card.
  String? last4,
}) = _Card;