verifyPaymentIntentWithMicrodeposits method

Future<PaymentIntent> verifyPaymentIntentWithMicrodeposits({
  1. required bool isPaymentIntent,
  2. required String clientSecret,
  3. required VerifyMicroDepositsParams params,

Verify the bank account with microtransactions

Only US bank accounts are supported.This method is only implemented for iOS at the moment.


Future<PaymentIntent> verifyPaymentIntentWithMicrodeposits({
  /// Whether the clientsecret is associated with setup or paymentintent

  required bool isPaymentIntent,

  /// The clientSecret of the payment and setup intent

  required String clientSecret,

  /// Parameters to verify the microdeposits.
  required VerifyMicroDepositsParams params,
}) async {
  return await _platform.verifyPaymentIntentWithMicrodeposits(
    isPaymentIntent: isPaymentIntent,
    clientSecret: clientSecret,
    params: params,