ApplePayCartSummaryItem.immediate constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
  2. @FreezedUnionValue('Immediate')
const ApplePayCartSummaryItem.immediate({
  1. required String label,
  2. required String amount,
  3. bool? isPending,

Use this type for payments that will occur immediately.


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)

/// Use this type for payments that will occur immediately.
const factory ApplePayCartSummaryItem.immediate({
  /// Short localized description of the item.
  required String label,

  /// The monetary amount.
  required String amount,

  /// When creating items for estimates or charges whose final value is not yet known, set this to true.
  bool? isPending,
}) = _ImmediateCartSummaryItem;