CardFormStyle constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
  1. @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson) Color? backgroundColor,
  2. int? borderWidth,
  3. @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson) Color? borderColor,
  4. int? borderRadius,
  5. @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson) Color? cursorColor,
  6. @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson) Color? textColor,
  7. int? fontSize,
  8. @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson) Color? textErrorColor,
  9. @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson) Color? placeholderColor,


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
factory CardFormStyle({
  @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson)

      /// Background color of the cardformfield
      /// Make sure that there is enough contrast with the text color.
      Color? backgroundColor,

  /// Width for the border.
  int? borderWidth,
  @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson)

      /// Border color of the cardfield.
      Color? borderColor,

  /// Borderradius that can give the Cardfield rounded corners.
  int? borderRadius,
  @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson)

      /// Cursor color when the card has focus.
      Color? cursorColor,
  @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson)

      /// Color of the typed text on the Card fuekd.
      Color? textColor,

  /// Font size.
  int? fontSize,

  /// Color of the input in case incorrect data is entered.
  @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson)
      Color? textErrorColor,
  @JsonKey(toJson: ColorKey.toJson, fromJson: ColorKey.fromJson)

      /// Color of the placeholder text.
      Color? placeholderColor,
}) = _CardFormStyleConstructor;