resizeCropToRatio function

Rect resizeCropToRatio(
  1. Size layout,
  2. Rect crop,
  3. double r

Returns a new crop Rect that respect r aspect ratio inside a layout and based on an existing crop area

This rect must not become smaller and smaller, or be out of bounds from layout


Rect resizeCropToRatio(Size layout, Rect crop, double r) {
  // if target ratio is smaller than current crop ratio
  if (r < crop.size.aspectRatio) {
    // use longest crop side if smaller than layout longest side
    final double maxSide = min(crop.longestSide, layout.shortestSide);
    // to calculate the ratio of the new crop area
    final Size size = Size(maxSide, maxSide / r);

    final Rect rect = Rect.fromCenter(
      width: size.width,
      height: size.height,

    // if res is smaller than layout we can return it
    if (rect.size <= layout) return translateRectIntoBounds(layout, rect);

  // if there is not enough space crop to the middle of the current [crop]
  final Size newCenteredCrop = computeSizeWithRatio(crop.size, r);
  final Rect rect = Rect.fromCenter(
    width: newCenteredCrop.width,
    height: newCenteredCrop.height,

  // return rect into bounds
  return translateRectIntoBounds(layout, rect);