Flutter Storage Info

A Flutter plugin to retrieve information about device storage.

This plugin provides methods to get information about both internal and external storage space on an Android device.


To use this plugin, add flutter_storage_info as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  flutter_storage_info: ^0.0.4
import 'package:flutter_storage_info/flutter_storage_info.dart';


import 'package:flutter_storage_info/flutter_storage_info.dart';

void main() async {
  // Fetch the storage info
    final flutterStorageInfo = FlutterStorageInfo();
    double totalSpace = await flutterStorageInfo.getTotalDiskSpace;
    double freeSpace = await flutterStorageInfo.getFreeDiskSpace;
    double usedSpace = await flutterStorageInfo.getUsedDiskSpace;
    print('Total Space: $totalSpace');
    print('Free Space: $freeSpace');
    print('Used Space: $usedSpace');


  • You can access all the methods using the flutterStorageInfo object as shown below:
final flutterStorageInfo = FlutterStorageInfo();

Internal Storage (Device Storage)

  • getFreeDiskSpace: Returns the amount of free space available on the device's internal storage.
  • getTotalDiskSpace: Returns the total amount of space available on the device's internal storage.
  • getUsedDiskSpace: Returns the amount of used space on the device's internal storage.
  • getFreeDiskSpaceInGB: Returns the amount of free space available on the device's internal storage in gigabytes.
  • getTotalDiskSpaceInGB: Returns the total amount of space available on the device's internal storage in gigabytes.
  • getUsedDiskSpaceInGB: Returns the amount of used space on the device's internal storage in gigabytes.
  • getFreeDiskSpaceInMB: Returns the amount of free space available on the device's internal storage in megabytes.
  • getTotalDiskSpaceInMB: Returns the total amount of space available on the device's internal storage in megabytes.
  • getUsedDiskSpaceInMB: Returns the amount of used space on the device's internal storage in megabytes.

External Storage (SD Card)

  • getFreeExternalDiskSpace: Returns the amount of free space available on the device's external storage.
  • getTotalExternalDiskSpace: Returns the total amount of space available on the device's external storage.
  • getUsedExternalDiskSpace: Returns the amount of used space on the device's external storage.
  • getFreeExternalDiskSpaceInGB: Returns the amount of free space available on the device's external storage in gigabytes.
  • getTotalExternalDiskSpaceInGB: Returns the total amount of space available on the device's external storage in gigabytes.
  • getUsedExternalDiskSpaceInGB: Returns the amount of used space on the device's external storage in gigabytes.
  • getFreeExternalDiskSpaceInMB: Returns the amount of free space available on the device's external storage in megabytes.
  • getTotalExternalDiskSpaceInMB: Returns the total amount of space available on the device's external storage in megabytes.
  • getUsedExternalDiskSpaceInMB: Returns the amount of used space on the device's external storage in megabytes.

Get the size of a given directory in MB (megabytes)

String directoryPath = '/storage/emulated/0/Movies/MyFolder/';
double directorySize = await FlutterStorageInfo.getSizeOfDirectoryInMB(directoryPath);
>> 12.98790

Get storage type from path (internal or external)

String path = '/storage/emulated/0/Android';
DeviceStorageType storageType = FlutterStorageInfo.getStorageTypeFromPath(path);
>> DeviceStorageType.internal

Get storage usage value from total and used space

Get a value from 0.0 to 1.0 indicating the storage usage given the total and used space.

double storageTotal = await FlutterStorageInfo.getExternalStorageTotalSpaceInGB;
double storageUsed = await FlutterStorageInfo.getExternalStorageUsedSpaceInGB;

double storageUsageValue = FlutterStorageInfo.getStorageUsageValue(storageUsed, storageTotal);
>> 0.95

Get whether - given the storage type - the storage is below the threshold

This method calls the above methods internally and returns a boolean value indicating whether the storage is below the threshold.

DeviceStorageType storageType = DeviceStorageType.internal;

// Optionally set the threshold. The default is 0.98 (98%)
double threshold = 0.96;

bool isBelowThreshold = FlutterStorageInfo.getIsStorageTypeBelowThreshold(storageType, threshold);
>> true

Get whether the storage is low on storage using the storage usage value and threshold

double storageTotal = await FlutterStorageInfo.getExternalStorageTotalSpaceInGB;
double storageUsed = await FlutterStorageInfo.getExternalStorageUsedSpaceInGB;

double threshold = 0.96;
double storageUsageValue = FlutterStorageInfo.getStorageUsageValue(storageUsed, storageTotal);

bool isBelowThreshold = FlutterStorageInfo.getIsStorageBelowThreshold(storageUsageValue, threshold);
>> true





Add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml file:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


Supported Platforms

  • Android (✅)
  • iOS (🕑)
  • Linux (❌)
  • macOS (❌)
  • Windows (❌)

Issues and feedback

Please file issues to send feedback or report a bug. Thank you!