stopper library


A widget that changes its height to one of the predefined values based on user-initiated dragging. Designed to be used with showBottomSheet() method.
The state of Stopper widget.


showModalStopper({Key? key, required BuildContext context, required StopperBuilder builder, required List<double> stops, int initialStop = 0, bool userCanClose = true, double dragThreshold = 25, ShapeBorder? shape, bool isScrollController = true}) Future
Shows the Stopper modal bottom sheet. Returns a Future that can be used
showStopper({Key? key, required BuildContext context, required StopperBuilder builder, required List<double> stops, int initialStop = 0, bool userCanClose = true, double dragThreshold = 25, ShapeBorder? shape, bool isScrollController = true}) PersistentBottomSheetController
Shows the Stopper bottom sheet. Returns a PersistentBottomSheetController that can be used


StopperBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ScrollController? controller, ScrollPhysics? physics, int? stop)
A builder function to be passed to Stopper.