
pub package

A Flutter plugin for generate 'Stable Diffusion' image.

iOS macOS
Support 16.2+ 13.1+

If you are able to provide implementations for other platforms, contributions via Pull Requests are welcome.


To use this plugin, add flutter_stable_diffusion as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


// create pipeline params
final PlatformStableDiffusionPipelineCreationParams params = PlatformStableDiffusionPipelineCreationParams(modelPath:'your model path');

// create pipeline
final FlutterStableDiffusionPipeline pipeline = FlutterStableDiffusionPipeline(params);

// load resources
await pipeline.loadResources();

// generate params
final PlatformStableDiffusionPipelineGenerateParams generateParams = PlatformStableDiffusionPipelineGenerateParams(
    prompt: "your prompt",
    negativePrompt: "your negative prompt",
    stepCount: 20,
    guidanceScale: 7.5,

// generate
final PlatformStableDiffusionPipelineGenerateResult result = await pipeline.generate(generateParams);

more detail, see example
