SplendidBle typedef
SplendidBleCentral provides an interface to interact with Bluetooth functionalities from a Flutter app acting as a BLE central device.
This class offers methods to check and monitor the status of the Bluetooth adapter, scan for devices, connect/disconnect to/from devices, and manage Bluetooth permissions. It serves as a bridge to the underlying platform-specific Bluetooth implementation, abstracting the complexity and providing a simple API for Flutter applications.
The class primarily uses asynchronous patterns like Future and Stream to provide real-time updates and
responses to Bluetooth operations. The methods in this class delegate the actual operations to
, ensuring platform-agnostic behavior.
This type is an alias for SplendidBleCentral and is used to maintain compatibility with the previous
version of the plugin. It is recommended to use SplendidBleCentral instead because, when peripheral mode is
eventually introduced, the use of SplendidBleCentral will be more clear.
/// This type is an alias for [SplendidBleCentral] and is used to maintain compatibility with the previous
/// version of the plugin. It is recommended to use [SplendidBleCentral] instead because, when peripheral mode is
/// eventually introduced, the use of [SplendidBleCentral] will be more clear.
typedef SplendidBle = SplendidBleCentral;