getCurrentConnectionState method

  1. @override
Future<BleConnectionState> getCurrentConnectionState(
  1. String deviceAddress

Fetches the current connection state of a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) device.

The deviceAddress parameter specifies the MAC address of the target device.

This method calls the 'getCurrentConnectionState' method on the native Android implementation via a method channel. It then returns a Future that resolves to the ConnectionState enum, which represents the current connection state of the device.

Returns a Future containing the ConnectionState representing the current connection state of the BLE device with the specified address.


Future<BleConnectionState> getCurrentConnectionState(
  String deviceAddress,
) async {
  try {
    // Invoke the method channel to fetch the current connection state for the BLE device.
    final String connectionStateString = await channel.invokeMethod('getCurrentConnectionState', {
      'address': deviceAddress,
    }) as String;

    // Convert the string received from Kotlin to the Dart enum value.
    return BleConnectionState.values.firstWhere((e) => e.identifier == connectionStateString);
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    // Handle different error types accordingly.
    if (e.message?.contains('permissions') ?? false) {
      throw BluetoothPermissionException('Permission error: ${e.message}');
    } else {
      throw BluetoothConnectionException(
        'Failed to get current connection state: ${e.message}',