build method

TextSpan build(
  1. String text, {
  2. List<String>? ignoreCases,
  3. List<String>? includeOnlyCases,

returns TextSpan containing all formatted content. text Text Content ignoreCases optional, when set, string values written in ignoreCases will be treated as Plain Text includeOnlyCases optional, when set, only values found in this array will be detected, other values be treated as Plain Text


TextSpan build(String text, {List<String>? ignoreCases,List<String>? includeOnlyCases}){

      regularExpressions.keys.forEach((type) {
    allMatches[type] = regularExpressions[type]!.allMatches(text).toList();
    return TextSpan(text: text,style: defaultTextStyle);
  var orderedMatches = allMatches.values.expand((element) => element!.toList()).toList()
    return TextSpan(text: text,style: defaultTextStyle);
  TextSpan root = TextSpan();
  int cursorPosition = 0;
  for(int i = 0;i<orderedMatches.length;i++){
    var match = orderedMatches[i];
    var subString = text.substring(match.start, match.end);

    bool willAddSpaceAtStart = subString.startsWith(" "); //Strangely, mention and hashtags start with an empty space, while web detections are correct
    var firstSearch = getTextStyleForRange(cursorPosition, match.start,ignoreCases: ignoreCases,includeOnlyCases: includeOnlyCases);
    root = getTextSpan(root, text.substring(cursorPosition,match.start + (willAddSpaceAtStart ? 1 : 0)), firstSearch.textStyle);

    var secondSearch = getTextStyleForRange(match.start, match.end,ignoreCases: ignoreCases,includeOnlyCases: includeOnlyCases);
    TapGestureRecognizer? tapRecognizer2;
    if(onTapDetection != null){
      tapRecognizer2 = TapGestureRecognizer()..onTap = (){
          TextRange(start:match.start,end: match.end),
    root = getTextSpan(root, text.substring(match.start+(willAddSpaceAtStart ? 1 : 0), match.end), secondSearch.textStyle,tapRecognizer: tapRecognizer2);
    cursorPosition = match.end;
  if(cursorPosition < text.length-1){
    root = getTextSpan(root, text.substring(cursorPosition), getTextStyleForRange(cursorPosition, text.length).textStyle);
  return root;