widget/social_text_field_controller library
- DefaultSocialTextFieldController
- DefaultSocialTextFieldController widget for wrapping the content inside a for automatically showing the relevant content for detected type. (i.e showing mention/user list when cursor is on the @mention/#hashtag text) focusNode required and also needs also to be attached to the TextField used by the SocialTextEditingController textEditingController required and needs also to be attached to the same TextField scrollController optional, used for determining the visiblility of main content when userlist / mentionlist / etc.. appeared child required, must contain a TextField with the same textEditingController detectionBuilders builders for relevant DetectedType. nothing is shown if a type does not have a builder willResizeChild the efault value is true. changes the main content size when detection content has been shown. detectionPresentationMode Default value is "DetectionPresentationMode.split_screen".
- DetectionPresentationMode
- Detection Presentation Mode DetectionPresentationMode.split_screen : Shows detection view but moving from bottom to determined widget size. useful for full screen textfields like text editors DetectionPresentationMode.above_text_field : Useful for showing detection view from above the textfield. The location of textfield is detected from the FocusNode automatically.