Smartlook class

Main class of the package with most of the functionality




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

cancelTimedCustomEvent(String key, String reason, [Object? map]) Future<void>
In case action failed event can be cancelled with this function
enableCrashlytics(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enable crashlytics - catching errors to web logger
enableWebviewRecording(bool enabled) Future<void>
SENSITIVE Setting of webview recording for example if you navigate to webview through app you can record it after setting to enabled to true
getDashboardSessionUrl(bool withCurrentTimestamp) Future<String?>
Returns url for current session to Smartlook dashboard set withCurrentTimestamp to get url with timestamp
getDashboardVisitorUrl() Future<String?>
Visitor URL points to a Dashboard page that wraps the visitor info (their sessions)
isRecording() Future<bool?>
Returns nullable bool with recording status - true, false, null
nativeMethodCallHandler(MethodCall methodCall) Future
registerIntegrationListener(IntegrationListener integrationListener) Future<void>
Smartlook can be easily integrated into Heap using IntegrationListener
removeAllGlobalEventProperties() Future<void>
Remove all extra properties
removeGlobalEventProperty(String key) Future<void>
All global event properties can be removed at once
resetSession(bool resetUser) Future<void>
Used for a new session of app or for logging a new user resetUser indicates whether the user identity should also be reset or whether the new session should retain the user from the current session not recommended to call when being closed!
setEventTrackingMode(EventTrackingMode eventTrackingMode) Future<void>
setEventTrackingModes(List<EventTrackingMode> eventTrackingModes) Future<void>
setGlobalEventProperties(Object map, bool immutable) Future<void>
Attach multiple properties to event
setGlobalEventProperty(String key, String value, bool immutable) Future<void>
GLOBAL EVENT PROPERTIES Extra property can be attached to every event, this property is called global event property. Global event property can be set by calling
setReferrer(String referrer, String source) Future<void>
OTHERS When an application is installed from the Google Play Store, Smartlook SDK automatically tracks install referrer A custom referrer can also be set by using the following Referrer value and source of installation are stored per visitor and can be viewed in the Smartlook Dashboard.
setRenderingMode(SmartlookRenderingMode renderingMode) Future<void>
Set preferred SmartlookRenderingMode - native, no_rendering, wireframe
setup(SetupOptions options) → void
SETUP Setups a plugin api_key can be found in settings as "SDK key" for each project
setupAndStartRecording(SetupOptions options) Future<void>
Setups a plugin and starts recording api_key can be found in settings as "SDK key" for each project
setUserIdentifier(String key, [Object? map]) Future<void>
Identifies current user - each user should have unique id
startRecording() Future<void>
RECORDING Starts recording
startTimedCustomEvent(String key, [Object? map]) Future<String?>
EVENTS Calculate duration of event for example time going through form
stopRecording() Future<void>
Stops recording
stopTimedCustomEvent(String key, [Object? map]) Future<void>
End calculation of duration of event for example after completion of a form
trackCustomEvent(String key, [Object? map]) Future<void>
Add a custom event with unique name and custom properties
trackNavigationEvent(String key, SmartlookNavigationEventType type) Future<void>
Tracks navigation use when displaying/hiding visible screen or dialog when displaying use SmartlookNavigationEventType.enter multiple can be entered in same time but must be visible!!! for example: partially visible screen behind and dialog upfront when hiding use SmartlookNavigationEventType.exit hide when screen or part of screen is hidden