build method

RoutePath<RouteArguments> build(
  1. String path,
  2. Uri uri


RoutePath build(String path, Uri uri) {
  // Adjust the path according to the pattern
  var subPath = pattern.allMatches(path);
  // Return not found if no sub path is found
  if (subPath == null) return bareBuilder('', notFoundScreen)();
  // Look for a matchin sub path
  var subPathsBuilder = paths.firstWhere(
    (o) => o.pattern.hasMatch(subPath),
    orElse: () => this,
  // Use sub path if matched
  if (subPathsBuilder != this) {
    return, uri);
  } else {
    // Look for a mathcing builder
    var builder = builders.firstWhere(
      (o) => o.pattern.hasMatch(subPath),
      orElse: () => bareBuilder(subPath, notFoundScreen),
    // Collect the segments for the path
    RouteSegments segments;
    var match = builder.pattern.firstMatch(subPath);
    if (match == null) {
      segments = {};
    } else {
      var groupNames = => [o, match.namedGroup(o)]);
      segments = {for (var o in groupNames) '${o[0]}': o[1]};
    // Build and return the route path
    return builder(segments, uri.queryParametersAll);