connect method

  1. @override
Future<bool> connect({
  1. required String address,
  2. bool isBLE = true,
  3. Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 7),

Connect to a Bluetooth device via address. isBLE Whether this is a BLE device. In iOS, this is ignored cause we only support BLE for iOS. timeout The timeout for BLE connection. For non-BLE connection, this is ignored. Throw BTException if failed.


Future<bool> connect(
    {required String address, bool isBLE = true, Duration timeout = const Duration(seconds: 7)}) async {
  try {
    if (Platform.isIOS) {
      _isBLE = true;
    } else {
      _isBLE = isBLE;
    Map<String, dynamic> args = {"address": address, "isBLE": _isBLE, "timeout": timeout.inMilliseconds};
    return await methodChannel.invokeMethod("connect", args);
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    throw BTException.fromPlatform(e);