build method

  1. @override
Widget build(
  1. BuildContext context

The build funtion is used to build the widget which will switch to desired widget based on the enum class Buttons


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  switch (button) {
    case Buttons.Google:
    case Buttons.GoogleDark:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Google"),
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Google',
        textColor: button == Buttons.Google
            ? Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, 0.54)
            : Color(0xFFFFFFFF),
        image: Container(
          margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0),
          child: ClipRRect(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
            child: Image(
              image: AssetImage(
                button == Buttons.Google
                    ? 'assets/logos/google_light.png'
                    : 'assets/logos/google_dark.png',
                package: 'flutter_signin_button',
              height: 36.0,
            button == Buttons.Google ? Color(0xFFFFFFFF) : Color(0xFF4285F4),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        innerPadding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
        shape: shape,
        height: 36.0,
    case Buttons.Facebook:
    case Buttons.FacebookNew:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Facebook"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Facebook',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.facebookF,
        image: button == Buttons.FacebookNew
            ? ClipRRect(
                child: Image(
                  image: AssetImage(
                    package: 'flutter_signin_button',
                  height: 24.0,
            : null,
        backgroundColor: button == Buttons.FacebookNew
            ? Color(0xFF1877f2)
            : Color(0xFF3B5998),
        innerPadding: button == Buttons.FacebookNew
            ? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(12, 0, 11, 0)
            : null,
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.GitHub:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("GitHub"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with GitHub',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.github,
        backgroundColor: Color(0xFF444444),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Apple:
    case Buttons.AppleDark:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Apple"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Apple',
        textColor: button == Buttons.Apple ? : Colors.white,
        iconColor: button == Buttons.Apple ? : Colors.white,
            button == Buttons.Apple ? Color(0xFFFFFFFF) : Color(0xFF000000),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.LinkedIn:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("LinkedIn"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with LinkedIn',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.linkedinIn,
        backgroundColor: Color(0xFF007BB6),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Pinterest:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Pinterest"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Pinterest',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.pinterest,
        backgroundColor: Color(0xFFCB2027),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Tumblr:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Tumblr"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Tumblr',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.tumblr,
        backgroundColor: Color(0xFF34526f),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Twitter:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Twitter"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Twitter',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.twitter,
        backgroundColor: Color(0xFF1DA1F2),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Reddit:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Reddit"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Reddit',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.reddit,
        backgroundColor: Color(0xFFFF4500),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Quora:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        key: ValueKey("Quora"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Quora',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.quora,
        backgroundColor: Color(0xA40A00),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Yahoo:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        key: ValueKey("Yahoo"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Yahoo',
        backgroundColor: Color(0x6001D2),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Hotmail:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        key: ValueKey("Hotmail"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Hotmail',
        icon: FontAwesomeIcons.sms,
        backgroundColor: Color(0x0072C6),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Xbox:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        key: ValueKey("Xbox"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Xbox',
        backgroundColor: Color(0x107C0F),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Microsoft:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        key: ValueKey("Microsoft"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Microsoft',
        backgroundColor: Color(0xff235A9F),
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        shape: shape,
    case Buttons.Email:
      return SignInButtonBuilder(
        elevation: elevation,
        key: ValueKey("Email"),
        mini: mini,
        text: text ?? 'Sign in with Email',
        onPressed: onPressed,
        padding: padding,
        backgroundColor: Colors.grey[700]!,
        shape: shape,