flutter_shopping_Cart 🛒

A flutter package for make your life easy. This package is used for maintaining a cart. This package helps you perform basic cart operations like (Add, Remove, Get total count, delete cart, & manage single and multi-vendor).

Android iOS
Support SDK 21+ 10.0+

flutter_shopping_cart Usage

To use the plugin you just need to add flutter_shopping_cart: ^1.0.1 into your pubspec.yaml file and run pub get.

Add following into your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):

flutter_shopping_cart: ^1.0.1

Getting started

  • first init flutter shopping cart package in main method of your project.
     await ShoppingCart().init();
  • first create an instance of flutter shopping cart package.
     var shoppingCart = ShoppingCart();
  • After getting the instance, we are able to get the built-in methods
    • Add Items into cart
      {required int productId,
      required int vendorId,
      required double unitPrice,
      required String itemImage,
      String? productName,
      String? cartName = 'main',
      int quantity = 1,
      List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList = const [],
      dynamic productDetailsObject})
    • Remove item one by one from cart âž–
      {required int productId,
      required int vendorId,
      String? cartName = "main",
      List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList = const []})
    • Add item one by one to cart âž•
      {required int productId,
      required int vendorId,
      required double unitPrice,
      required String itemImage,
      String? productName,
      String? cartName = 'main',
      int quantity = 1,
      List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList = const [],
      dynamic productDetailsObject})
    • Get the total amount
    • Get the total amount with tax
    • Get the total quantity
          shoppingCart.getCartItemCount({bool isQuantityCount = false})
    • Get Specific Item from Cart
      required int productId, required List<dynamic>? cartItemOptionList, int? vendorId, })
      - Get Specific Item index from Cart
      - Remove Specific Item from Cart
            shoppingCart.deleteSelectedCartItem(int cartItemId, String cartName)
      - Clean all Cart item


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


To report your issues, submit them directly in the Issues section.


this file.


This is main entering dart file to access flutter shopping cart