
SHIELD SDK helps developers to assess malicious activities performed on mobile devices and return risk intelligence based on user's behaviour. It collects device's fingerprint, social metrics and network information. SHIELD SDK is built with Java for Android and Swift for iOS.

Getting Started

Install the Library

You should ensure that you add flutter_shieldfraud as a dependency in your flutter project.

  flutter_shieldfraud: <latest-version>

You should then run flutter packages get or update your packages in IntelliJ.

Initialise the Client

Initialise Shield at the beginning of app launch by overriding the initState method of the first StatefulWidget's State in main.dart file

	void main() {
		runApp(const MyApp());
	class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
		const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
		State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
	class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {

		void initState() {
			//Create shield configs
			ShieldConfig config = ShieldConfig(siteID: “your_site_id”,
				key: “your_secret_key”);
			//initialize shield sdk using shield config

Get Session ID

Session ID is the unique identifier of a user’s app session

	.then((sessionId) => 
		print("shield sessionId: $sessionId"));

Get Device Result

- Retrieve device results via Optimised Listener

Pass a callback to ShieldConfig object to retrieve device result via Listener.

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {

		void initState() {
			//Create a callback
			ShieldCallback shieldCallback =  
			    ShieldCallback((Map<String, dynamic> result) {  
			  print("device result: $result");  
			}, (ShieldError error) {  
			  print("error: ${error.message}");  
			//Pass the callback to ShieldConfig Obj
			ShieldConfig config = ShieldConfig(siteID: “your_site_id”,
				key: “your_secret_key”, shieldCallback:  shieldCallback);

- Retrieve device results via Customised Pull

You can also retrieve latest device result at any point.

  .then((latestDeviceResult) => {  
      if (latestDeviceResult == null) {  
        print( "error ${Shield.latestError?.message}")  
      } else {  
	    print("result $latestDeviceResult")  

Send Custom Attributes

Use the sendAttributes function to sent event-based attributes such as user_id for enhanced analytics. This function accepts two parameters:screenName where the function is triggered, and data to provide any custom fields in key, value pairs.

Map<String, String> data = HashMap();  
data["user_id"] = "abcdefghijk";  
data["email"] = "test@gmail.com";

Shield.sendAttributes("login_screen", data)  
    .then((value) => print("successfully sent attributes: $value"));