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shake animated

this shake effect I refer to this css open source library, CSShake

Add dependency

  flutter_shake_animated: ^0.01


For more animate effects, please refer to example/lib/main.dart file

import 'package:flutter_shake_animated/flutter_shake_animated.dart';

    duration: duration,
    shakeConstant: shakeConstant,
    autoPlay: true,
    enableWebMouseHover: true,
    child: your widget,


1. ShakeDefaultConstant1,ShakeDefaultConstant2
2. ShakeHardConstant1,ShakeHardConstant2
3. ShakeSlowConstant1,ShakeSlowConstant2
4. ShakeLittleConstant1,ShakeLittleConstant2
5. ShakeHorizontalConstant1,ShakeHorizontalConstant2
6. ShakeVerticalConstant1,ShakeVerticalConstant2
7. ShakeRotateConstant1,ShakeRotateConstant2
8. ShakeCrazyConstant1,ShakeCrazyConstant2
9. ShakeOpacityConstant

Custom shake animation

class CustomShakeAnimated implements ShakeConstant {

  Duration get duration => throw UnimplementedError();

  /// range: 0 - 100 && incremental, last value must equal 100. 
  /// when only have oneelement,represents the same interval
  List<int> get interval => throw UnimplementedError();

  /// range: 0 - 1.0, []:1.0 = [1.0]
  List<double> get opacity => throw UnimplementedError();

  /// eg: 45deg = pi / 4, []:0 = [45]: rotate 45deg
  List<double> get rotate => throw UnimplementedError();

  // Offset(double dx, double dy)
  List<Offset> get translate => throw UnimplementedError();