Flutter SFIcon
Render SF Symbols on both platforms simuliar to regular Icon
widget. Supports weight and latest SF Symbols version 5.1
Icons are tree shakable. Keep in mind, that SFIcon
widget is based on Text
add flutter_sf_symbols into your pubspec.yaml
flutter pub add flutter_sficon
How to use
For correct use of flutter tree shaking all icons stored inside SFIcons
class as static constants.
Naming convention for retrieving SF symbol is as follows:
- SF Symbol name is prefixed with 'sf_'.
- Dots are replaced with underscores.
- SF Symbol
is named assf_0_circle
- SF Symbol
is named assf_heart_fill
import 'package:flutter_sficon/flutter_sficon.dart';
// use SFSymbol instead of regular Icon widget
const SFIcon(
SFIcons.sf_heart_fill, // 'heart.fill'
fontSize: 40, // fontSize instead of size
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, // fontWeight instead of weight
color: Colors.red,
All SF Symbols shall be considered to be system-provided images as defined in the Xcode and Apple SDKs license agreements and are subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein. You may not use SF Symbols or glyphs that are substantially or confusingly similar in your app icons, logos, or any other trademark-related use. Apple reserves the right to review and, in its sole discretion, require modification or discontinuance of use of any Symbol used in violation of the foregoing restrictions, and you agree to promptly comply with any such request.
This package is inspired by https://github.com/virskor/flutter_sfsymbols. Also thanks for the legal note used here.