Flutter Serial!

An Android Plugin for Serial Communication which allow you to read and write the data through the available ports The supported features are:

  • Listing the available serial ports on the device, including USB to serial adapters
  • Configuring serial ports (baud rate, input type)
  • Providing standard InputStream and OutputStream


This PlugIn enables the communication with the USB RS232 RS485 UART

Supported platforms:

  • Android :arm65-v8a, armeabi,armeabi-v7a,mips,mips64,x86,x86_64

Connection Setup

  • User Interface is connected to rs232 converter which sending data to machine receiving the data(You can use any Serial data receiving software for testing purposes.I have used Realterm : Serial Capture Program that is available for windows)
  • USB-A to micro USB cable used in the image to connect Commercial Android intelligent display terminal running Android 11 operating system with laptop for debugging purposes only. alt text alt text


  • Doesn't require root in Android
  • Easy to use
  • Using listener for reading message

Add a dependency to your pubspec.yaml

	flutter_serial: latest_version

include the usbserial package at the top of your dart file.

import  'package:flutter_serial/flutter_serial.dart';

❓ Usage

If you encounter any issues please refer to the API docs and the sample code in the example directory.

The example directory has a sample application that demonstrates the features of this plugin.

🔧 Android Setup

The first step is to call the startSerial() method and subscribe the StreamSubscription

Start Serial

startSerial method will open the transaction stream

FlutterSerial flutterSerial = FlutterSerial();

  void initState() {
 void  _updateConnectionStatus(SerialResponse? result) async {
logData = result!.logChannel ?? "";
receivedData = result.readChannel ?? "";

By calling the startSerial() it will provide you with the SerialResponse in the form of stream data

SerialResponse In Serial Response you will get the following type

  1. Log Channel (type:String)

  2. Read Channel (type:String)

  3. Log Channel: In the log channel you wll get the repsone when you open any port ,close any port , transmit data (TX).

  4. Read Channel: In the Read channel you wll get the Recived data (RX)

Available Ports

The getAvailablePorts() method will return you all the
available ports on a device

serialList = await  flutterSerial.getAvailablePorts();


openPort method will open the serial communication Its has 3 required parameter { DataFormat dataFormat, String serialPort, int baudRate }

dataFormat: DataFormat.ASCII,
serialPort: serialList.first,
baudRate: flutterSerial.baudRateList.first)


closePort method will close the port if you have opened any port


Send Command

sendCommand method will send your message Its has 1 required parameter {String message}

flutterSerial.sendCommand(message: "message");


clearLog method will clear the Log channel clearRead method will clear the Read channel



destroy method will eliminate the resources

void  dispose() {

  • Baud Rate To get the Standard baud rates list call the FlutterSerial().baudRateList it will return the integer list of standard baud rate

  • Data Format The Data format is used to convert the data type To pass the data format in the open() method parameter For ascii format call the DataFormat.ASCII

    For hex_String format call the DataFormat.HEX_STRING