IosSecurityOptions constructor

  1. @JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)
  1. required String bundleId,
  2. String? mobileProvision,
  3. String? jsonFileName,
  4. String? cryptographicKey,
  5. List<String>? listOfPaths,

IosSecurityOptions class containing options for iOs

It enable you to pass:

bundleId is the app bundle identifier of the app to be signed. It's required for amITampered and hasBundleBeenCompromised methods.

mobileProvision is required for amITampered method.

jsonFileName is the json name previously generated by the script containing paths and corresponding MD5 datas. Required for 'hasBundleBeenCompromised' method.

cryptographicKey is the key used to encrypt the json. If you're using the script attached in the readme the default length is 32 characters. Required for hasBundleBeenCompromised method.

listOfPaths rapresents a list of the paths to get MD5 of. Required for hasBundleBeenCompromised method.


@JsonSerializable(explicitToJson: true)

/// [IosSecurityOptions] class containing options for iOs
/// It enable you to pass:
/// [bundleId] is the app bundle identifier of the app to be signed. It's required for [amITampered] and [hasBundleBeenCompromised] methods.
/// [mobileProvision] is required for [amITampered] method.
/// [jsonFileName] is the json name previously generated by the [script]( containing paths and corresponding MD5 datas. Required for 'hasBundleBeenCompromised' method.
/// [cryptographicKey] is the key used to encrypt the json. If you're using the script attached in the [readme]( the default length is 32 characters. Required for [hasBundleBeenCompromised] method.
/// [listOfPaths] rapresents a list of the paths to get MD5 of. Required for [hasBundleBeenCompromised] method.
factory IosSecurityOptions({
  required final String bundleId,
  final String? mobileProvision,
  final String? jsonFileName,
  final String? cryptographicKey,
  final List<String>? listOfPaths,
}) = _IosSecurityOptions;