
The flutter_security library is a comprehensive Flutter package that offers various security-related functionalities for Flutter Applications. It provides developers with tools to enhance the security of their Flutter apps by detecting root access, implementing SSL pinning, securing key-value storage, detecting fake locations, detecting fake devices, and detecting app tampering. These features collectively contribute to a more robust and secure application environment, safeguarding user data and ensuring the integrity of the app's execution.


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

   flutter_security: ^1.0.0

Platform Setup

Android Setup
Set the minimum sdk version:

Set Minimum SDK Version to >=18 in your android app folder's build.gradle file:

android {
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 18
Set the autoBackup to false

We need to disable the auto backup of FlutterSecuredStorage for the android app, because on restore it breaks the secured storage.

If you wish to completely disable backup, add the following to the AndroidManifest.xml:


Else, you can choose to disable just the secured storage backup. Add following to the AndroidManifest.xml:


Then add the data_extraction_rules.xml file in res folder's xml folder with following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <include domain="sharedpref" path="."/>
    <exclude domain="sharedpref" path="FlutterSecureStorage"/>
iOS Setup No explicit setup required.

Feature Usage

Root Detection

Root Detection is used to get Android device' rooted status or iOS device's Jailbroken status. To access the status, following snippet can be referred to:

void checkRooted() {
  FlutterSecure flutterSecure = FlutterSecure();
  bool rooted = await flutterSecure.isRooted;
  if (rooted) {
    // Device is rooted or jailbroken
    // Implement appropriate actions to handle rooted devices
  } else {
    // Device is not rooted or jailbroken
    // Proceed with normal application flow

SSL Pinning

SSL Pinning is used for pinning the application's network requests to a certain domain. To achieve this, the trusted domain's certificate is embedded into application and is verified on each request to server, from the application's end.

To achieve SSL Pinning, we have supported two popular networking libraries of flutter: http & Dio.

Note: The certificates that will be used to pin, must be in PEM format as a string or File. For reference, PEM format looks like below:

... Certificate Content ...
SSL Pinning with Http

To use SSL pinning with Http, you can use our http client, providing the list of trusted certificates as string or File.

// Using string PEM certificates
var client1 = SSLPinningHttpClient([pemCertificateString]);

// Using file PEM certificates
var client2 = SSLPinningHttpClient.fromCertFiles([pemCertificateFile]);

// Use client1 or client2 as normal http client to make CRUD requests

When there's an anomaly in received certificate, the request will not be made and the request will throw a TlsException. Make sure to wrap each of your requests in a try-catch block.

Http client usage example:

try {
  var call = await client.get(Uri.parse('https://dreamorbit.com/'));
} on TlsException {
  // Received certificate is different from trusted certificates
SSL Pinning with Dio

To use SSL pinning with your Dio client, you can use our Dio SSL Pinning Interceptor, providing the list of trusted certificates as string or File.

Dio dio1 = Dio()
Dio dio2 = Dio()

// Use dio1 or dio2 as normal http client to make CRUD requests

When there's an anomaly in received certificate, the request will not be made and the request will throw a DioException containing error property of type TlsException. Make sure to wrap each of your requests in a try-catch block.

Dio Interceptor usage example:

try {  
  var call = await dio.get('https://dreamorbit.com/');
} on DioException catch (e) {  
  if (e.error is TlsException) {  
    // Recieved certificate is different from trusted certificates
  } else {  
    // Some other exception

Secured Storage

Secure storage uses platform's security mechanism for storing key-value data. You can access the secured storage instance from main class of the plugin:

var securedStorage = FlutterSecure().storage;

You can call following methods on the securedStorage

Method Purpose
write Writes a value associated with a specific key to the storage. This method is used to store data securely in the storage.
read Reads the value associated with a specific key from the storage. It returns the stored value or null if the key doesn't exist in the storage.
readAll Retrieves all key-value pairs from the storage as a Map. This method returns a Map containing all the stored key-value pairs.
delete Deletes the value associated with a specific key from the storage. This method removes a specific key-value pair from the storage.
deleteAll Deletes all key-value pairs from the storage. This method clears the entire storage, removing all stored data.

Fake Location Detection

This feature helps detect whether the device has capability to fake its location. Its helpful when the trust in device's provided location is crucial for application's functioning.

🚧 Under Progress

Emulator Detection

This feature helps detect whether the device which is hosting the application is a real device or an emulator.

🚧 Under Progress

Tamper Detection

This feature is helpful in determining whether the application is original or it is tampered. This is useful in case when some hackers recompile the application mixing their own code. The application can detect tampering and block the application flow at the start of application.

🚧 Under Progress


BSD 3-Clause License  

Read the LICENSE file for details.


Refer to the Changelog to get all release notes.

