Screenshot Plus
Screenshot Plus
is an efficient Flutter plugin for capturing the current state of any widget within a Flutter application. Whether it's capturing visible widgets on the current screen, generating images from widgets not currently displayed, or even capturing long lists, Screenshot Plus
handles it with ease.
- Capture Current Screen Widgets: Quickly capture any widget on the current screen and save it as an image.
- Generate Images from Any Widget: Generate images from any widget, even if it's not currently displayed on the screen.
- Capture Long Lists: Specially designed for capturing long lists, ensuring the entire list is captured, no matter the length.
Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_screenshot_plus: ^latest_version
Then run flutter packages get
to install the plugin.
controller: controller,
child: your_child,
// Create a controller
ScreenShotController controller = ScreenShotController();
Capture Current Screen Widgets
Uint8List? image = await controller.capture(
pixelRatio: 1.5, // Optional, set the pixel ratio
delay: Duration(milliseconds: 20), // Optional, delay before capture
Generate Images from Any Widget
Uint8List image = await controller.captureFromWidget(
MyWidget(), // The widget to capture
delay: Duration(seconds: 1), // Optional, delay before generating the image
pixelRatio: 1.5, // Optional, set the pixel ratio
context: context, // Optional, current BuildContext
targetSize: Size(1080, 1920), // Optional, target size
Capture Long Lists
Uint8List? longImage = await controller.captureLongWidget(
scrollController: myScrollController, // Required, the ScrollController for the long list
extraImage: [ImageParam(...)], // Optional, extra images like headers, footers, or watermarks
maxHeight: 10000, // Optional, maximum height limit
pixelRatio: 1.5, // Optional, set the pixel ratio
backgroundColor: Colors.white, // Optional, background color, defaults to white
format: ShotFormat.png, // Optional, image format, supports png or jpeg
quality: 100, // Optional, image quality, 0~100
: Sets the pixel ratio for the output image, defaults to the device's pixel ratio.delay
: The delay before capturing, useful for waiting for animations to complete.backgroundColor
: Sets a background color for the captured widget, defaults to white.format
: Sets the output image format, supports PNG and JPEG.quality
: Sets the quality for JPEG images, range is 0 to 100. This is not applicable for PNG format.
If you have any suggestions or issues, please submit them through GitHub Issues.
Screenshot Plus
is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.