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A declarative dependency injection library which use dart syntax and flutter style


  • Configuration is aligned with syntax with dart language
  • Scope strategy is aligned with scoping of functions
  • Can handle async setup
  • Using Observable\States as notification system with composition in mind
  • Using StatesBuilder to map a sequence of state to widget
  • Using StatesListener to add a listener in flutter layer

Table Of Content


  • dart_scope - a dart's declarative dependency injection library
  • flutter_scope - a flutter's declarative dependency injection library

Quick Tour

Let's explore with quick examples, assume we are developing a todos apps using ValueNotifier:

class TodosNotifier extends ValueNotifier<Map<String, Todo>> {
  TodosNotifier([super._value = const {}]);
  void addTodo(Todo todo) { ... }
  void toggleTodoCompleted(String todoId) { ... }
  void removeTodo(String todoId) { ... }

enum TodoFilter { all, completed, uncompleted }

class TodoFilterNotifier extends ValueNotifier<TodoFilter> {
  TodoFilterNotifier([super._value = TodoFilter.all]);
  void updateFilter(TodoFilter filter) { ... }

Usage of FlutterScope(...)

Use FlutterScope(...) to create a scope with configurations:

  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      name: 'todosNotifier',
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
    FinalValueNotifier<TodoFilterNotifier, TodoFilter>(
      name: 'todoFilterNotifier',
      equal: (_) => TodoFilterNotifier(),
  child: Builder(
    builder: (context) {
      final myTodosNotifier = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>(name: 'todosNotifier');
      final myTodoFilterNotifier = context.scope.get<TodoFilterNotifier>(name: 'todoFilterNotifier');
      return ...;

A FlutterScope is created which expose singletons of TodosNotifier and TodoFilterNotifier. Later, these instances can be resolved by calling context.scope.get<T>(...).

Above example simulates:

void flutterScope() { // `{` is the start of scope

  // create and exposed instances in current scope
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier = TodosNotifier();
  final TodoFilterNotifier todoFilterNotifier = TodoFilterNotifier();

  // resolve instances in current scope
  final myTodosNotifier = todosNotifier;
  final myTodoFilterNotifier = todoFilterNotifier;

}                     // `}` is the end of scope

This simple pseudocode shown:

  • function scope that starts with {, ends with }
  • how to create and expose instances in current scope
  • how to resolve instances in current scope

Usage of name

Use different names to create multiple instances:

  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      name: 'todosNotifier1',
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      name: 'todosNotifier2',
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      name: 'todosNotifier3',
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
  child: Builder(
    builder: (context) {
      final myTodosNotifier1 = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>(name: 'todosNotifier1');
      final myTodosNotifier2 = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>(name: 'todosNotifier2');
      final myTodosNotifier3 = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>(name: 'todosNotifier3');
      return ...;

Which simulates:

void flutterScope() {
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier1 = TodosNotifier();
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier2 = TodosNotifier();
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier3 = TodosNotifier();

  final myTodosNotifier1 = todosNotifier1;
  final myTodosNotifier2 = todosNotifier2;
  final myTodosNotifier3 = todosNotifier3;

Name can be private, so instance will only be resolved in current library (mostly current file):

final _privateName = Object();

class SomeWidget extends StatelessWidget {


  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return FlutterScope(
      configure: [
        FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
          name: _privateName, // use private name
          equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
      child: Builder(
        builder: (context) {
          final myTodosNotifier = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>(name: _privateName);
          return ...;

Name can also be omitted, in this case null is used as name:

  configure: [
    // assigned without name
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
  child: Builder(
    builder: (context) {
      // also resolved without name
      final myTodosNotifier = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>();
      return ...;

Usage of FlutterScope.async(...)

Use FlutterScope.async(...) to create a scope with async configurations.

If there is async setup like resolving SharedPreference. We can follow this:

Future<Map<String, Todo>> resolveInitialTodosAsync() {
  await Future<void>.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
  return { ... };


FlutterScope.async( // use `async` constructor
  configure: [
    // using `AsyncFinal` to handle async setup
    AsyncFinal<Map<String, Todo>>(
      equal: (_) async {
        return await resolveInitialTodosAsync();
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      equal: (scope) => TodosNotifier(
        scope.get<Map<String, Todo>>(),
  builder: (context, asyncScope) {
    switch (asyncScope.status) {
      case AsyncStatus.loading:
        return ...; // loading widget
      case AsyncStatus.error:
        return ...; // error widget
      case AsyncStatus.loaded:
        final scope = asyncScope.requireData;
        final myTodosNotifier = scope.get<TodosNotifier>();
        return ...; // success widget

Which simulates:

void flutterScope() async {
  final Map<String, Todo> initialTodos = await resolveInitialTodosAsync();
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier = TodosNotifier(initialTodos);

  final myTodosNotifier = todosNotifier;

Usage of child scope

Use FlutterScope to create a child scope which inherited getters from parent scope:

class AddTodoState { ... }
class AddTodoNotifier extends ValueNotifier<AddTodoState> { ... }


  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
    FinalValueNotifier<TodoFilterNotifier, TodoFilter>(
      equal: (_) => TodoFilterNotifier(),
  child: FlutterScope( // creating a new scope in subtree of parent scope
    configure: [
      FinalValueNotifier<AddTodoNotifier, AddTodoState>(
        equal: (_) => AddTodoNotifier(),
    child: Builder(
      builder: (context) {
        final myTodoNotifier = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>();
        final myTodoFilterNotifier = context.scope.get<TodoFilterNotifier>();
        final myAddTodoNotifier = context.scope.get<AddTodoNotifier>();
        return ...;

Which simulates:

void flutterScope() {
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier = TodosNotifier();
  final TodoFilterNotifier todoFilterNotifier = TodoFilterNotifier();

  void childFlutterScope() {
    final AddTodoNotifier addTodoNotifier = AddTodoNotifier();

    // resolve instances:
    //  `todosNotifier`       is inherited from parent scope
    //  `todoFilterNotifier`  is inherited from parent scope
    //  `addTodoNotifier`     is exposed in current scope
    final myTodosNotifier = todosNotifier;
    final myTodoFilterNotifier = todoFilterNotifier;
    final myAddTodoNotifier = addTodoNotifier;

Usage of InheritedScope

Use InheritedScope for making an exist scope available to subtree. This is useful when current route share scope with new route:

  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
    FinalValueNotifier<TodoFilterNotifier, TodoFilter>(
      equal: (_) => TodoFilterNotifier(),
  child: Builder(
    builder: (context) {
      return Scaffold(
        floatActionButton: FloatActionButton(
          onPressed: () => _showAddTodoDialog(context),
          child: ...,


void _showAddTodoDialog(BuildContext context) {
  showDialog( // show dialog will push a new route
    context: context,
    builder: (_) {
      return InheritedScope(  // use `InheritedScope` for
        scope: context.scope, // making exist scope available to subtree
        child: AlertDialog(
          content: Builder(
            builder: (context) {
              // resolve instance in new route
              final myTodosNotifier = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>();
              return ...;

Above example shown:

  • press FloatActionButton will push a new route
  • passing scope from current route to new route using InheritedScope
  • resolve TodosNotifier in new route

Usage of FlutterScope's parentScope parameter

Use FlutterScope's parentScope parameter to create a new scope which is based on exist one, and has additional configurations.

  void _showAddTodoDialog(BuildContext context) {
      context: context,
      builder: (_) {
-       return InheritedScope(  // use `InheritedScope` for
-         scope: context.scope, // making exist scope available to subtree
+       return FlutterScope(
+         parentScope: context.scope, // passing exist scope
+         configure: [                // with additional configurations
+           FinalValueNotifier<AddTodoNotifier, AddTodoState>(
+             equal: (_) => AddTodoNotifier(),
+           ),
+         ],
          child: AlertDialog(
            title: ...,
            content: Builder(
              builder: (context) {
                // resolve instance in new route
                final myTodosNotifier = context.scope.get<TodosNotifier>();
+               final myAddTodoNotifier = context.scope.get<AddTodoNotifier>();
                return ...;
            actions: ...,

Which simulates:

void flutterScope() {
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier = TodosNotifier();
  final TodoFilterNotifier todoFilterNotifier = TodoFilterNotifier();

  void childFlutterScope() {
    final AddTodoNotifier addTodoNotifier = AddTodoNotifier();

    final myTodosNotifier = todosNotifier;
    final myAddTodoNotifier = addTodoNotifier;

We've covered the dependency injection part of FlutterScope. Now, let's explore Observable/States based notification system.

Usage of States

States is a sequence of state.

It will replay current state synchronously, then emit following state asynchronously or synchronously.

Example in pure dart:

void flutterScope() async {
  final TodoFilterNotifier todosFilterNotifier = TodoFilterNotifier();
  final States<TodoFilter> todoFilterStates = todosFilterNotifierAsStates(todosFilterNotifier);

  late TodoFilter state;
  final observation = todoFilterStates.observe((todoFilter) { // start observe states
    print('simulate flutter set state');
    state = todoFilter;
    print('simulate map state to widget');

  await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3));
  print('simulate `navigator.pop(...)`');
  observation.dispose(); // stop observe

  ...// dispose `todosFilterNotifier`

// a function turns notifier to states
States<TodoFilter> todosFilterNotifierAsStates(TodoFilterNotifier notifier) { ... }

Above example shown:

  • late TodoFilter state is a plain state
  • final States<TodoFilter> todoFilterStates is a sequence of plain state. Sometimes States can be considered as plain state with a time dimension
  • use todoFilterStates.observe(...) to start observe states
  • use observation.dispose() to stop observe states

Note: States is similar to dart Stream, but it is slightly different. States promise replay current state synchronously to observer, while dart Stream has its trade off, is designed not support this feature.

Since States has composition capability, let's introducing two common used operators.

Usage of States.computed

Use States.computed to combine multiple states into one States.

When an item is emitted by one of multiple States, combine the latest item emitted by each States via a specified function and emit combined item that changed.

For example filteredTodos is computed by combining todos and todoFilter:

List<Todo> filterTodos(Map<String, Todo> todos, TodoFilter filter) {
  return todos.values
    .where((todo) {
      switch (filter) {
        case TodoFilter.all: return true;
        case TodoFilter.completed: return todo.isCompleted;
        case TodoFilter.uncompleted: return !todo.isCompleted;


void flutterScope() async {

  final States<Map<String, Todo>> todosStates = ...;
  final States<TodoFilter> todoFilterStates = ...;

  final States<List<Todo>> filteredTodosStates = States.computed2(
    states1: todosStates,
    states2: todoFilterStates,
    compute: filterTodos, // `filterTodos` is a pure function declared at top

  late List<Todos> state;
  final observation = filteredTodosStates.observe((filteredTodos) {
    print('simulate flutter set state');
    state = filteredTodos;
    print('simulate map state to widget');


Above example shown:

  • filterTodos is a pure function which compute plain filteredTodos by combining plain todos and todoFilter
  • filteredTodosStates is computed by combining todosStates and todoFilterStates

Usage of states.convert

Use states.convert to convert each item by applying a function and only emit result that changed.

For example todosLength is converted from todos:

void flutterScope() {
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier = TodosNotifier();
  final States<Map<String, Todo>> todosStates = todosNotifierAsStates(todosNotifier);

  // `todosLength` is converted from `todos`
  final States<int> todosLengthStates = todosStates
    .convert((todos) => todos.length);

  final observation = todosLengthStates.observe((todosLength) {
    print('todos length changed to $todosLength');


We've seen basic usage of States, let's see how to integrate with flutter.

Usage of StatesBuilder(...)

Use StatesBuilder(...) to map a sequence of state to widget, as UI = f(state).

  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodoFilterNotifier, TodoFilter>(
      equal: (_) => TodoFilterNotifier(),
  child: StatesBuilder<TodoFilter>(
    builder: (context, todoFilter, child) {
      return ...; // map state to widget

Which simulates:

void flutterScope() async {
  final TodoFilterNotifier todosFilterNotifier = TodoFilterNotifier();
  final States<TodoFilter> todoFilterStates = todosFilterNotifierAsStates(todosFilterNotifier);

  late TodoFilter state;
  final observation = todoFilterStates.observe((todoFilter) {
    print('simulate flutter set state');
    state = todoFilter;
    print('simulate map state to widget');



StatesBuilder has composition capability, since it is based on States.

Usage of StatesBuilder with States.computed operator

Use StatesBuilder with States.computed operator to combine multiple states into one states, then map it to widget.


  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
    FinalValueNotifier<TodoFilterNotifier, TodoFilter>(
      equal: (_) => TodoFilterNotifier(),
  child: Builder(
    builder: (context) {
      return StatesBuilder<List<Todo>>(
        states: States.computed2(
          states1: context.scope.getStates<Map<String, Todo>>(),
          states2: context.scope.getStates<TodoFilter>(),
          compute: filterTodos,
        builder: (context, filteredTodos, child) {
          return ...; // map state to widget

Which simulates:


void flutterScope() async {
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier = TodosNotifier();
  final TodoFilterNotifier todosFilterNotifier = TodoFilterNotifier();
  final States<Map<String, Todo>> todosStates = todosNotifierAsStates(todosNotifier);
  final States<TodoFilter> todoFilterStates = todosFilterNotifierAsStates(todosFilterNotifier);

  final States<List<Todo>> filteredTodosStates = States.computed2(
    states1: todosStates,
    states2: todoFilterStates,
    compute: filterTodos,

  late List<Todos> state;
  final observation = filteredTodosStates.observe((filteredTodos) {
    print('simulate flutter set state');
    state = filteredTodos;
    print('simulate map state to widget');


Usage of StatesListener(...)

Use StatesListener(...) to add a listener in flutter layer.

  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodoFilterNotifier, TodoFilter>(
      equal: (_) => TodoFilterNotifier(),
  child: StatesListener<TodoFilter>(
    onData: (context, todoFilter) {
          content: Text('todo filter changed to $todoFilter'),
    child: ...,

Which simulates:

void flutterScope() async {
  final TodoFilterNotifier todosFilterNotifier = TodoFilterNotifier();
  final States<TodoFilter> todoFilterStates = todosFilterNotifierAsStates(todosFilterNotifier);

  final observation = todoFilterStates.observe((todoFilter) {
    print('todo filter changed to $todoFilter');



StatesListener also has composition capability, since it is based on States.

Usage of StatesListener with states.convert operator

Use StatesListener with states.convert operator to convert states to another states, then add a listener to the states.

  configure: [
    FinalValueNotifier<TodosNotifier, Map<String, Todo>>(
      equal: (_) => TodosNotifier(),
  child: Builder(
    builder: (context) {
      return StatesListener<int>(
        states: context.scope.getStates<Map<String, Todo>>()
          .convert((todos) => todos.length),
        onData: (context, todosLength) {
              content: Text('todos length changed to $todosLength'),
        child: ...,

Which simulates:

void flutterScope() {
  final TodosNotifier todosNotifier = TodosNotifier();
  final States<Map<String, Todo>> todosStates = todosNotifierAsStates(todosNotifier);

  // `todosLength` is converted from `todos`
  final States<int> todosLengthStates = todosStates
    .convert((todos) => todos.length);

  final observation = todosLengthStates.observe((todosLength) {
    print('todos length changed to $todosLength');



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