
  • SafetyTime is a timelock which designed to block multiple calls within an interval. It works like a synchronized mutex (lock and unlock).

  • SafetyTime provides two cor functions:

    • The first is to block users from repeated clicks, repeated network requests, etc.For example, in a multi-select list, the user touches multiple options at the same time.As another example, when the network requests, the user clicks again to request. Specifically, SafetyTime will compare the interval between two times,and if it is less than the safe interval SafetyTime, the event will be discarded.
    • The second is a pair of methods similar to lock and unlock, they are tryLockForever and unlockForever. Specifically, SafetyTime will lock a indefinitely key until the user manually calls unlockForever to unlock the lock.

Getting started

Add dependency

You can use the command to add flutter_safety_time as a dependency with the latest stable version:

$ dart pub add flutter_safety_time

Or you can manually add flutter_safety_time into the dependencies section in your pubspec.yaml:



The user taped multiple buttons before the new page was pushed.

onATap: {
  if(SafetyTime.unavailable) return;
  ... ...
  Navigator.push(context, PageA());

onBTap: {
  if(SafetyTime.unavailable) return;
  ... ...
  Navigator.push(context, PageB());

Limit onece login in 1 minute.

loginRequest() async {
    if(SafetyTime.unavailableOf('Login', Duration(minutes: 1))) {
        alert('Limit onece login in 1 minute.');
    await login();

SafetyTime.tryLockForever can lock key for a long time. When key is locked, both unavailable and unavailableOf return true, but synchronizedKey is not affected.

updateUserInfo() async {
    // Make calls to "updateUserInfo" unique within the same time period.
    if(SafetyTime.tryLockForever('UpdateUserInfo')) {
      await doSomething();

InPageA {
  ... ...
  updateUserInfo(); // Called at any time
  ... ...

InPageB {
  ... ...
  updateUserInfo(); // Called at any time
  ... ...

Synchronous key Executes computation when lock is available. Only one asynchronous block can run while the key is retained. If timeout is specified, it will try to grab the lock and will not call the computation callback and throw a TimeoutExpection is the lock cannot be grabbed in the given duration.

save(x) {
  await SafetyTime.synchronizedKey('WritToFile', (userInfo) async {

InPageA {
  ... ...
  save(A); // Called at any time
  ... ...

InPageB {
  ... ...
  save(B); // Called at any time
  ... ...

Additional information

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