createSelector4<S, R1, R2, R3, R4, T> function
Create a selector composed from four other selectors.
Creates a memoized selector. The result of the function will only be recomputed when one of the composed selectors returns a new value.
Selector<S, T> createSelector4<S, R1, R2, R3, R4, T>(
Selector<S, R1> selector1,
Selector<S, R2> selector2,
Selector<S, R3> selector3,
Selector<S, R4> selector4,
T Function(R1, R2, R3, R4, dynamic) mapFn,
) {
final memoized = memo5(mapFn);
return (S state, dynamic props) {
return memoized(
selector1(state, props),
selector2(state, props),
selector3(state, props),
selector4(state, props),