ExternalLibrary.process constructor
Firstly, usually you do NOT need to use this function at all.
Under all platforms, Flutter officially suggests open()
(see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/8b6277e63868c2029f1e2327879b7899be44fbe2/packages/flutter_tools/templates/plugin_ffi/lib/projectName.dart.tmpl#L47-L58),
and flutter_rust_bridge's template also uses the open()
Secondly, if you need this function, please ensure your Flutter application does not use more than one packages which are using flutter_rust_bridge. It is fine to use as many packages as you like, as long as only one of them uses flutter_rust_bridge. This is because that, flutter_rust_bridge (currently) has some C symbols that are the same (i.e. not prefixed) across multiple packages.
Thirdly, if you must use this function and multiple packages-with-flutter_rust_bridge, feel free to open an issue in GitHub repository to discuss.
After reading the remarks above, set iKnowHowToUseIt
to true to use it :)
factory ExternalLibrary.process({
required bool iKnowHowToUseIt,
String debugInfo = '',
}) {
return ExternalLibrary._(
ffiDynamicLibrary: ffi.DynamicLibrary.process(),
debugInfo: 'by process()$debugInfo',