onRiveInit method

void onRiveInit(
  1. Artboard p1,
  2. List<String>? stateMachines


void onRiveInit(Artboard p1, List<String>? stateMachines) {
  //loop used for initialize double and bool values from state machines to the map which used for change value on widget event trigger
  /// Instance a [StateMachineController] from an [artboard] with the given
  /// [stateMachineName]. Returns the [StateMachineController] or null if no
  /// [StateMachine] with [stateMachineName] is found.
  /// Artboards are the foundation of your composition across both design and animate mode.
  /// They act as the root of every hierarchy and allow you to define the dimensions and background color of a scene.
  /// You can create an infinite amount of artboards on the Stage, but each Rive file has at least one artboard.
  for (var value in stateMachines!) {
    final stateController = StateMachineController.fromArtboard(p1, value);