
Flutter Plugin for applying login animation with rive file of .riv format. this used only when inputs of state machines are success,fail and hand_up values or any of them. this plugin will updated based on different input types found for login animation via rive website.

Preview of flutter_rive_login

:rocket: Installation

This plugin is available on Pub: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_rive_login

Add this to dependencies in your app's pubspec.yaml

flutter_rive_login : latest_version

Used Packages in this plugin

rive: latest_version

get: latest_version

:bookmark: Usage

Here boolinputList shows input values of state machines which user will use to retrive boolean output if rive asset file triggered this boolean value as true or not.and doubleinputlist shows input values of state machines which user will use to retrive double output.the double value can be changed by package and actual animation shows to the user.if inputs are empty then animation will not trigger.initialsSetAnimations will load initial animations when page opens.

Sample code to integrate can be found in example/lib/main.dart.

For further information about rive components,resources and community visit https://rive.app/.

                imageName: "assets/${getValue}.riv",
                stateMachines: stateMachinesList[
                boolInputList: boolInputList[
                doubleInputList: doubleInputList.length > 1
                    ? doubleInputList[getIndex!]
                    : doubleInputList[
                applyPasswordChanges: (value){
                buttonTitle: "Submit",
                emailHint: "Enter Email Address",
                colors: Colors.black,
                passwordHint: "Enter Password",
                applyEmailChanges: (value){
                initialsSetAnimations: [
                title: Text("Simple State Machine"),
                validate: (){

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                    Experienced an issue or want to report a bug? Please, report it here. Remember to be as descriptive as possible.